Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mischief Makers

Simeon is almost 3 1/2.
Joe will be 2 in two weeks.
Two boys.
Two very onery boys.

(sigh)....Two mischief makers.

You don't have to be in our house long to witness some kind of mischief. Joseph is the lead mischief maker, and Simeon is easily influnced, and thus the follower mischief maker. Don't believe me? Well...let me give you some concrete examples of what mischief looks like in the Cassidy household.

What can we scheme next brother? Soaking our new clothes hasn't filled the fun for the day.
The naked moneky hang.
What's wrong with swinging over the top bunk to wake up my brother at night?
Will you stop touching me!
What Mom. I swear I didn't do it. (Anyone know how to toddler proof a lazy susan, so I don't have to puppy dog protect my kitchen?)

Even though when their play together much of the time leads them to mischief, it's fun to see them be buddies.

Just doing laps around the house.
I told you I was tougher.
The challenge.
The warning.
The chase.

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