Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our Third Born

Yesterday we had our first 4D ultrasound. It was increadible to see the facial features of our little third born. He wasn't very cooperative, so the picture is a little obscure, but you can still see his little face. The more we tried to persist to see him, the more he moved his arms, feet, and of course the umbilical cord right into the line of fire. At one point we could see all 10 toes right in front of face...stinker. Must get that from the Cassidy side.

Loving on Baby Giorgie

Our FOCUS teammates, Beth and Josh Santo, had their first child on October 1st. John Giorgio (Giorgio is after Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassatti, the patron of youth) has been a blessing to their family, but also to ours. Every time that we get together with our team, we annouce that Giorgie is coming over as well, and you see the boys faces light up. Simeon is especially sweet with him. He is very eager to help change diapers, play with him, show him baby toys (and his own of course), and mostly he wants to be able to hold him.

Since Beth has had Giorgie, Joseph I think is coming to understand what is growing in my own tummy. He very sweetly comes up to me and pats my tummy and says "hi baby." Usually it is followed with kissing my belly (although most of the time in lands on my breast. ) :)

Hopefully once Baby Cassidy makes his appearence (yes I still think it's a he), their sweet little demeanors will remain. One could hope....

Our very own Thanksgiving Parade

This year the Macy's day parade came to our back door. Each year, they test the big balloon blow-ups you see on TV, all across the country in indoor arenas. It just so happens that Vermillion is home to the Dakota Dome, a smaller enclosed arena that houses many of the colleges' and states' big events.

If you don't know they are coming, you will miss it because it's not advertised. However, Jeremy happened to be at breakfast with one of his student mentors, when about 40 New Yorkers swarmed the little breakfast cafe. Jeremy with confusion asked John what was going on, and John let him know they were here to test the Macy's Parade balloons.

So out we set for a little intown field trip to the dome for our very own personal parade. We got to see the Sock Monkey, and Sonic the Hedgehog. The kids were totally intersted for about 10 minutes until it became a game of who could get onto the football field first. Either way it was a good time, and something out of the ordinary.