Saturday, January 30, 2010


A couple of weeks I felt as though I was was always frustrated with Simeon, but lately, he is back to melting my heart. He is our little imitator. Some of the best moments include:

1. Sitting down to eat his snack and making the sign of the cross and pausing for prayer.
2. Seeing a crucifix on the wall and genuflecting to it (squatting).
3. Putting his arms around his brother when they are sitting on the couch together.
4. Blowing me kisses, and waiving goodnight to me as he goes to do bedtime routine with Daddy.
5. When asked a question he always starts out with saying "ummm..."
6. Holding toys over Joe's head so he can have something to look at.
7. Trying to tickle Joe the way Daddy does.
8. Really tight squeezes when he gives hugs.
9. Making the kiss sound when he blows kisses.
10. Cooking in the kitchen with all his bowls and measuring cups, and spoons.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I get that way. Some days the boys can just frustrate me, and then just melt me in the next instance. Your list reminds me that I need to hold on to the great moments! Beautiful family!