Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our first Thanksgiving...The Men and Me

We a got the chance to entertain some of the bachelor men that have entered our lives because of FOCUS. To say the least, I was thrown off my game, because I am used to being surrounded by women. But it was a wonderful day. I cooked the full meal with the help of my husband, and then got to watch all the men show me their mad kitchen duty skills as I pulled the supervisor card. :) (Simeon didn't have to do the dishes either, as he was sacked out from the turkey.) It was a wonderful and relaxing day with football, wine, and Mexican Train (don't worry Rossco...I beat Jeremy again)!

That weekend, Jeremy took me on a date...a real one! Dinner and the Nutcracker! I felt so lucky! We left Simeon with the men, 3 men and a baby! He had a ball. I think it's the best he has been for a babysitter(s), as he barely made it to bed before we got home! Maybe I'll have them do it again. They did try to get a rise out of me as I came home to find a picture on the camera of Simeon sucking and hugging a Kahlua bottle of alcohol! I told him I did expect him to be swinging from the ceiling fan!
Don't go Chris, you make me laugh!

How did you know I like doing funny faces?

I'm on top of the world...or at least Tim that is.

Paul, I've got your nose!

You've got mine!

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