Monday, December 15, 2008

Food for thought

Simeon currently like anything that makes noise. Tissue paper, rocks in Tupperware, macaroni and cheese box, fruit snack wrapper. If it makes noise, he's there trying to shake it to make more noise. I was making myself dinner one night (when I had just got home from work, and Jeremy was at grad school), and so I gave Simeon the Mac box to shake. I caught him looking up the nutritious value! I know son, less than ideal!

Simeon is starting to explore more and more with food. So far he like sweet potatoes, carrots, rice cereal and crackers, bananas, pears, and apple
sauce. If it's time to eat, and we need to say prayers first, watch out, talk about unhappy kid. He's learning patience. It's my hope to begin teaching him sign language for please, thank you, more, and food. So if he gets it down expect a video. But now that he is liking food a little bit more, it's getting really fun to feed him.

1 comment:

Gus and Jen said...

Big shocker, a Cassidy man excited for a meal!