Friday, March 6, 2009

Back on the Saddle Again!

We know it's been a long time, but man it has been a ride. We have been on the move since the beginning of the Christmas Break, and well, we feel as though we are just reaching "normal" again. We know it's time to post as we have recieved complaints from all three sets of Grandparents. Since then we have:

  • Had one visit from Grandma Hall.
  • Two visits from the Cassidy Family.
  • Jeremy and I had the stomach flu, and Diana had Bronchitis!
  • Moved to South Denver into a new place, which we all love!
  • Jeremy started a new semester at the Augustine Institute, taking a class on Leadership.
  • Grandma and Grandpa Piraino came to town.
  • Simeon was hospitalized with RSV for 4 days, and was on oxygen for a week and half.
  • Went to the Denver Catholic "Living the Faith" Conference.
  • We have led 2 Confirmation retreats, and helped to prep two others.

So.....the moral of he story is "normal" really means normal for us as this is the first weekend that we don't have anything scheduled, anyone coming to visit, a healthy family, and feel like we can let our hair down. Or should we just wait and knock on wood to see if something is to happen? Such is life...

Little man is turning into just that. He is now around 22 lbs (you will get the official specs on Tuesday, as we have our 9/10 month check-up) and TALKS all the time. He calls me Dada, well really he calls everything Dada, and loves to exercise different levels of tone and volume with his voice. Truly, he is his Father's son. He is walking around the coffee table, and furniture, pulling down the toilet paper roll, crawling on all four instead of army crawling, and chewing on books like paper is candy. If you looked at our bookshelf you would think that we had a mouse in the house. His newest trick is that he has learned to back off of high objects with his feet first, rather than diving head first, trusting that we are there to catch him. He really was such a trooper in the hospital. It was hard being hooked up so many things as they monitored his vitals, had oxygen on his face, and and IV in his arm. The saddest moment (besides being a parent and watching your child suffer so) was seeing him try to make a pass at the finger he loved to suck on, but couldn't get to becacuse of the bandage and splint that they put on his arm to cover his IV. :( But...he has almost fully recovered, and is back to his little self again, always keeping us on our toes.

This is me being pathetica...This was him when he was getting close to being done with the Oxygen. Jeremy or I would wake up to find it out of his nose, when he was suppose to be sleeping with it in.
Happy as can be.

Me sick? You think I was faking or something!

Mom, I'm getting into trouble. But, because I am sick,
doesn't it get me a get out of jail free card?

Man sleep over. Simeon slept with me at the hospital the almost the whole time,
so we didnt' go back to the crib for awhile.

Man wake up at O'Dark-thirty. Can you tell that Papa is pleased?

Say Cheeseburgers!

Struting his stuff for the camera.

Back to myself...

I mean I'm sick Mom and Dad....


Little Things said...

Wow! That must have been incredibly difficult! I cannot imagine how seeing him sick must have just broke your heart. I am so glad that he is back to his good little self again. :) Way to hang in there guys!

Gus and Jen said...

So glad to see the little guy again! We missed you. :) Take care of yourselves and know we think of you and pray for you often.