Saturday, May 17, 2008

St. Simeon, the patron of big poopoohs

We have been learning what it means to change diapers of a little boy. This morning was an exceptional morning for Simeon, as he dirtied 4 diapers with rather large number twos, and his poor bottom was seeming as though it needed some relief, so we decided it was bath time.

As soon as we hoisted him into the water, he started to exercise his lungs, bellowing his cry of discontentment. Mama started in on the washing, going straight for the bottom. After getting rid of the last of the cheese curd poopooh, we started see some air bubbles. Little Simeon decided that it was time to christen the bath tub as well! It wasn't too bad, and so we decided to continue with the bath.
Moving to the upper body, Papa started in on washing the head. Simeon still screaming at us, let us have it! He completely filled the little hammock that he sits in in his portable tub with a second poopooh! Such a little stinker. So he got a little break, got snug as a bug in a...towel, as Mama cleaned out the tub. He did receive another bath, but this time was much more content.


Little Things said...

Wow! He already looks as if he has changed so much! So cute!

Catechesis in the Third Millennium said...

Such a beautiful baby . . . when Simeon's older he's going to LOVE that you described his bathtub "experience" on the internet. Parenting's great, isn't it!