Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And they call him Hillbilly

I told myself I wanted a boys. Well so far, that is what God has blessed our family with. If it's not jumping off of something, it's climbing on something (really high), or wrestling with Dad, or laughing at farts, or spitting of the balcony, ect. I'm not complaining...I want him to be a true boy, and typical he is! The first time I saw Simeon walk off a 5ft. playtoy at the park (into his Daddy's arms of course) and shriek with delight, I knew we would have medical bills someday with that child. Well that day has come.

This weekend we were doing a MP event (Mission Partners for FOCUS), and Simeon went with 6 other kids to the park with great excitement of course. We got a call in the middle of the presentation saying that they were on the way home, and that Simeon had had an accident at the park. Our babysitter assured us that he was okay, but that he might have chipped his tooth.

He got home, and acted fine, and of course first thing wanted food. This is good I thought, he isn't too traumatized from his fall at the park. Well, I decided to hoist him up and take a look for myself...there had been blood after all. Yup, his tooth is newly chipped (originally chipped a long time ago), and I think I see a crack but I am not sure. Jeremy takes a quick glance and tries to reassure me that it's not cracked, just chipped.

Well over the next couple of days, Simeon comments that he has ouchies in his mouth, but then acts fine, and continues on with his typical boy activities. After doing some research, we decide to take him to a pediatric dentist who gives discounts to St. Mary's staff that came from a recommendation of a friend.

The dentist takes a quick look at his tooth, and lets us know that Simeon has done "quite a number on his front tooth." Then proceeds to let us know that we have two options:
  1. A root canal with a crown, that could land him in the hospital if it doesn't go well. It also isn't highly successful, becuase his nerve is exposed, and in the end he could still lose his tooth.
  2. We could pull the tooth out...it is after all just a baby tooth.
Looking at each other, and thinking about our little boy, I inform the doctor, "He will just have to be our little hillbilly till age 7!"

The front left tooth is the one that was removed today. If you look closely you can see where he cracked it. Pictures to come. He did really well, but knows that something is different, becuase he is keeping his mouth closed, feeling his new whole in his mouth with his tongue.


Jmaddox said...

Sweet - move on down, he'll fit right in :) j/k! I know all about boys!! Stephen keeps busting his lip b/c his tooth was chipped last summer at the pool - twice!! :) Poor little guy, hope he enjoys some ice cream over the next few days!!

Kari said...

True Wild at Heart boy!