Saturday, January 16, 2010

Parenting reality checks...

Lately it seems as though Jeremy and I have been having a lot of parenting reality checks. Having one child brings your life into a whole new reality. But having two children solidifies the fact that your life is altered forever (in the best way possible of course). :) Here are a couple of our favorite parent reality checks from the last couple of months:

1. Simeon waking up dad by poking him with his nerf 6:15am
2. Both parents waking several times in the the middle of night because there is a teething toddler, and a breastfeeding little one
3. Assembling a toy after Christmas presents have been opened and getting frustrated with the assembly process
4. Constantly changing clothes from baby spit-up
5. Simeon walking up to Joseph in his bouncy seat exclaiming with great joy, "Hi Joe!"
6. Toddler reverting back to baby ways...wanting to sit in Joe's car seat, watch Joe's mobile go round and round, sitting in Joe's bouncy seat...
7. Choosing to stay up and talk to my spouse or sleeping? Sleeping...
8. Simeon making the sign of the cross, and blowing kisses to our crucifixes around the house, and "genuflecting" (squatting) when he sees Jesus
9. Family time when Dad gets home is our favorite time of day
10. Lots and lots of laundry

1 comment:

Little Things said...

LOL! Number 1 and number 3 totally made laugh! :) This is a great list.